For those who know that
we can do better together

Git consultancy: training and support services
for scientists.

What is Git for?

Version control

Git keeps a record of the changes made to your files.
No need to pollute your folder with old versions of your project. No fear to lose old information and waste your time rewriting a section of a paper.

Project management

Git helps you to manage the work of your team.
You can create dedicated branches to isolate different tasks, check differences and merge them back into the main trunk of your project.


Git allows you to work in parallel with your collaborators online or offline.
Whether you are writing a paper or processing data, you can store the information in a shared repository.



Even though there are great resources and tutorials on the internet, some people still prefer personal assistance at the beginning.
We can arrange private lessons or organize workshops for research groups interested in including Git into their skill set.
Depending on your preferences, we can engage with Git entirely from the command line (complex needs) or through a graphical interface (user-friendly).

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When we are still unexperienced we might feel clueless at times, we make mistakes we do not how to fix or we simply feel we are not getting the most out of Git. At those moments I can help you to find a way out.

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About me

My name is Felipe Ponce.
I am a mathematician and a Git enthusiast.
I have used Git in my research and I want to help other scientists to incorporate Git
in their daily work.



I wanted to use git with my collaborators for years but never was able to. Now I am.

Let's start a conversation

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